RECAUDIO is a Hong Kong based audio production and recording company offering a complete sound library of original music and audio effects, in addition to narration services and project based composition services. More information about RECAUDIO here.

What is on offer for students?

Students across the world are starting innovative projects and being creative: whether it’s beginning an independent movie project, developing school work or expressing yourself. That’s why RECAUDIO is offering students free access to our sound library for 30 days! More information about eligibility here.

How do I download sounds?

To download our original music and sound effects please go to the SOUNDS FOR YOU page. Here you can browse a selection of sounds. Using our turnkey commerce page, you can purchase and download our sounds with just a few clicks here.

Are video services available?

As an extension to our SOUNDS WITH YOU service, RECAUDIO is now offering video editing services. Please get in touch with us via our SOUNDS WITH YOU page. One of our dedicated representatives will get back to you about our video production and editing services and related pricing. Contact us here.

Who owns the audio?

Sound library audio is owned by you. RECAUDIO will still own the copyright but upon purchase, our customers are free to use our sounds for any private or commercial uses, in perpetuity. For more information please see out T&C page.

What discounts are available?

At RECAUDIO we have 3 packages available that will save you money. We have our 30, 20 and 10 sounds packages which allow our customers to pre purchase a select number of sounds. By subscribing to one of these packages in our members area, you can then fill you basket up and get discounts on all purchases.